
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you, Traci!
Thanks very much Traci for giving this award! Traci blogs over at Traci's Treasures, if you haven't been over you should check her out. I especially love her '10 on Tuesdays'!

The award rules are:
1. Thank the person giving the award - I have, above and as a comment on the awarding post, Thanks again Traci!
2. Share 7 things about yourself - To follow below
3. Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs - Will do, I believe newly discovered does not new, right?
4. Let the nominees know about the award - Sure, I'll be doing the rounds around blogland I guess!

Well, here goes:

First, the nominees:
1. From Fat to Fab
2. No trying, just doing!
3. Black Girl Gets Fit
4. Previously Plump... In Progress
5. Skinnie Emmie
6. Fight Fat Phobia
7. I go through life in inches and pounds
8. [238] and Shrinking
9. For Real, This Time!
10. Necessary Imperfections
11. The Incredible Shrinking Gal Baby
12. Corletta: It's a new more EXCUSES!
13. Lose Weight? Me? Really?
14. Fat Girl To Thin
15. Deeply Rooted

Ok, I have to admit that I had to 'discover' some new blogs for this post. But hey, it was so worth it, because I've found so many inspirational blogs that I can't wait to go through!

7 things about myself
Let's make this short and painless...

1. I'm a single mother of a 2 year old son (well, 2 and 5 months and 2 days)
2. I've been overweight since my very early teens -  like 11 - 12
3. I've spent at least a weekend in big international cities including New York, Washington DC, Toronto, London, Paris, Montreal, and Johannesburg
4. I've lived in the US, the UK and Africa
5. I don't have one best friend, instead I have a circle of best friends
6. I love comedy shows
7. I love travelling and I would absolutely live for it if I had the money
Bonus: I currently do not have a passport - it's expired and I've been lazy to apply for a new one. You can tell I haven't travelled internationally for a bit.

That was easier than I thought! The 15 above will be hearing about this nomination in the next few days.

On other news, I've been frustrated with the scale lately - a new one! Actually, I think I'll save this for another post.

Till then...

1 comment:

  1. aww thanks. I guess I should catch up and do one for yesterday. lol
